Monday, April 7, 2008

A Bad Week

I know some have been waiting for pictures of our "Gotcha Day Anniversary" but we have had a rough week and I have not gotten to it. My camera is not working very well, so I need Jeff's help and he is busy. So I have to wait my turn.

Caeleigh fractured her elbow. It has been painful for her at times. But quite honestly, she is a tiger, who does not like to be caged. And I am the zoo keeper, running after her. Quite funny!! I'm sure!!

Pictures to come, but I am still wanting that new camera.


Carey said...

Ouch!!!! Hang in their zookeeper. We take on so many mom roles, don't we??

Rachelle said...

AAAhhh, so sorry to hear about the elbow. Looking forward to pictures soon.

Jana said...

Uggghhh!! She did WHAT? Was she trying out a new wrestling move? Poor baby ... I'm sorry for her, and sorry for you, too, Karen. Tell her Oakley loves her and blew a kiss all the way to her elbow. Seriously.

Karen said...

How did she do that? It sounds like it would be very painful. My son broke his arm in 3rd grade & it was a little difficult to keep him down, not even sure how you would keep an active toddler down!
As my Mom always tells me, this too shall pass!