Friday, November 2, 2007

Four Great Kids

Some of you have not seen these pictures, so I thought you might like them.

Ryan will be home soon from his time in the military, 2 weeks I think. Hopefully we will be together for Thanksgiving. I know I will work some that day, but I hope not all day.

Taylor is a junior. He is just starting his wrestling season. He needs to gain10 lbs, so I guess I will be spending $250.00 per week instead of 200.00. He goes through about a gallon of milk every day.

Alec is in 6th grade. He's a good kid. Easy to raise, I sure love him!!

Ms Caeleigh is my beautiful Asian Princess. Love that girl!!

1 comment:

Beckyb said...

You got that right - we think your kids are wonderful too - they are blessings!!